Additional Resources for Providers
De-prescribing meds that cause weight gain
De-prescribing meds that cause weight gain

Screening for co-morbidities
Recommended Screening for Patients with Obesity

Do I need to do a workup for secondary causes of obesity in my patient?
- Endocrinopathy: Recommend lab workup only if patient has other symptoms characteristic of the disease
- Cushing's
- Symptoms: central adiposity, plethora, proximal muscle weakness, impaired glucose tolerance, skin thinning, easy bruising)
- Diagnostic testing: Dexamethasone suppression test, Midnight Salivary Cortisol x 3, or 24 hr urine cortisol - Acromegaly
- Symptoms: sweating episodes, sleep apnea, growth of nose, hands, feet, changes in spacing of teeth, new skin tags, multiple colon polyps, carpal tunnel syndrome, Type 2 Diabetes
- Diagnostic testing: IGF1 - Hypothyroidism
- Symptoms: cold intolerance, constipation, new depression
- Diagnostic testing: TSH - Behavioral
- Depression (screen: PHQ9)
- Binge Eating Disorder (screen w/BED7) - Genetic testing for people who have had obesity since 5 years old [Visit Website >>]
- History of stroke or structural brain disorder preceding weight gain: hypothalamic obesity is likely, though no formal workup has been validated.
How will patient's health risks improve with weight loss?
An interactive tool to share with patients [View Website >>]
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