Health Equity: We collaborate with members and industry partners to address gaps in healthcare access and outcomes, focusing on disparities related to race, ethnicity, insurance status, and geography.
Healthy Metric Releases Maternal Health and Priority Measures Reports (2024)
Healthy Metric – Advancing Health Equity in Wisconsin is a collaboration between WCHQ, The Wisconsin Health Information Organization, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Medical College of Wisconsin, and Marshfield Clinic Research Institute. The work is and funded by the Wisconsin Partnership program and Advancing a Healthier Wisconsin. Together, they are working to eliminate health disparities in Wisconsin through collaboration, measurement, and interventions.
The Maternal Health Report called “Primary Care Utilization and the Health of Adult Women of Childbearing Age in Wisconsin". The goal of this report is to provide valuable data on adult women of childbearing age (18-44) in Wisconsin, including recent claims data on insured women seen in primary care, as well as electronic health record data on key measures such as depression screening, blood pressure control, and blood sugar control in diabetes.
Read 2024 Maternal Health Report >>
The Priority Measures Report called "Evaluating Change in Health Disparities in Wisconsin: Blood Sugar, Blood Pressure, and Colorectal Cancer Screening". This report contains recent Wisconsin data that identifies gaps in blood sugar, blood pressure, and colorectal cancer screening across various demographics, including race and ethnicity and rural and urban geography.
Read 2024 Priority Measures Report >>
Past Reports
Read the 2023 Disparities Report [PDF Download]
Read the 2020 Disparities Report [PDF Download]
Read the 2019 Disparities Report [PDF Download]

Unveiling Health Gaps: WCHQ’s Comprehensive Health Disparities Reporting
Widespread disparities exist in health outcomes and care in Wisconsin. Although Wisconsin ranks high in overall health care nationally, the state performs poorly with respect to disparities. The Wisconsin Collaborative for Healthcare Quality (WCHQ) and its member organizations developed the Wisconsin Health Disparities Reports to identify where disparities in health outcomes and care exist in Wisconsin and to help inform and accelerate programs that are working to eliminate disparities. WCHQ hopes that by identifying and publicly reporting these differences, these reports will draw attention to and promote public accountability, improvement and action by multiple stakeholders. Eliminating health disparities is a task that cannot be done by health systems alone or accomplished in silos. These reports can contribute to the identification of opportunities for health systems, health departments, policymakers, nonprofits and employers to develop collaborative approaches within their communities to create a healthier Wisconsin for all.

Methodology Overview
Each report Appendix contains detailed methodology, measure definitions for all WCHQ measures, and tables including performance and denominator data for all measures stratified by the new and distinct rural and urban groupings. Each report also contains geographical groupings of six groups: rural underserved, rural, rural advantaged, urban underserved, urban and urban advantaged. These groups are based on social factors and geography in each Wisconsin zip code, definitions of the groups can be found here.