Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Toolkit

The Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Toolkit aims to empower members of the patient care team by providing a comprehensive and accessible resource that enhances their knowledge of immunization practices. This toolkit seeks to serve as a valuable reference guide, equipping healthcare professionals with the necessary information to educate themselves on current immunization recommendations, guidelines, and resources. Through this toolkit, the goal is to empower the care team to engage effectively in patient conversations, promoting informed decision-making and fostering a collaborative approach to ensuring optimal childhood and adolescent immunization coverage. To get an overview of the best way to utilize this toolkit and the resources available please click this link and watch the launch of this toolkit webinar.

The Objective

This toolkit aims to enhance knowledge and facilitate informed discussions about childhood and adolescent vaccinations. By offering a collection of resources, the toolkit seeks to empower healthcare professionals, caregivers, and support staff with the necessary information to confidently educate themselves and engage in meaningful conversations with patients and their families regarding the importance, safety, and benefits of immunizations. Ultimately, the toolkit aims to contribute to safe immunization practices, increased immunization rates and improved overall community health outcomes.

Intended Audience

This toolkit is intended for the health care team responsible for providing immunization education and administering immunizations to the childhood and adolescent population. Providers, clinical staff, pharmacists, school nurses, public health, coalitions, local health departments who review this toolkit should examine how best to adapt their practices and policies to meet the needs of their patient populations and to adhere to established immunization standards. The intention is not to print off this toolkit in its entirety but to use it as a health care reference tool to help guide conversations with parents and patients around vaccines.

Immunization versus Vaccination

Male doctor talking with young female patient

How To Use the Announcement Approach and Address Hesitancy  

Announcement Approach and Addressing Hesitancy
* Updated 02/24 | REFERENCES
Questions about the Toolkit

WCHQ welcomes your questions and comments about this toolkit, which is intended to advance collaborative learning, open sharing, and collective improvement. Please contact the WCHQ at