April 2024

President’s Report

Blameless Problem Solving

Gabrielle Rude, PhD, President/CEO

WCHQ is on a journey to build a deliberate culture that will take our organization from good to great. We do this by focusing on behaviors (what we expect people to actually do) to align with our mission, vision and values.

Last month, I shared information about one of our fundamentals, Listening Generously, with our full Board of Directors. The behaviors expected to achieve this fundamental may seem initially impossible, especially in today’s virtual world. In order to listen generously, we expect our employees to not multitask during meetings.

Throughout my career. I have become accustomed to back-to-back meetings that leave no time for emailing or planning or any other non-meeting work. I've justified checking emails or finishing a report during a meeting with the belief that it was necessary to get work done. This pattern of being less than fully present has grown exponentially during the pandemic as virtual work made it possible to attend even more meetings. We find ourselves in a vicious cycle where the more meetings we attend, the more we need to multitask and the less efficient the meeting becomes, leading to the need for more meetings. 

At WCHQ, we have improved our ability to listen generously by addressing the root causes of multi-tasking and establishing expectations for highly effective and efficient meetings. Here are a few examples that I’m sure you will find in your organization:

  • Employees were attending solely to hear information directly. Our solution was to establish a consistent process to communicate information to those that didn’t attend.
  • A significant portion of meeting time was spent reviewing materials. We established procedures to distribute meeting materials in advance or the meeting would be cancelled.
  • Leaders, in particular, were attending meetings without a specific role. It was easier to just attend the meeting and multitask than question whether one needs to participate. We reinforced the importance of being present and provided standard language about meeting hygiene so individuals could question and decline meetings without conflict.

As a collaborative, our culture applies also to our Board of Directors, partners and members. We want everyone that is a part of this organization to consistently behave in the WCHQ way. Our journey has been meaningful, productive, and even fun, and we're eager to share our learnings with you so you can apply them within your own organizations. We are happy to share more specific information about our journey; reach out if you want to know more.