January 2024


Todd Thierer, DDS, MPH, Associate Dental Director, HealthPartners

In last month’s edition of our newsletter, WCHQ introduced new members of our Board of Directors. Unfortunately, a photo published introducing Todd Thierer, DDS, MPH, as one our new board members, was incorrect. We regret the error and offer this correction. Apologies to Dr. Thierer, and again, welcome to the WCHQ Board of Directors.

Don’t Miss the Opportunity to Increase HPV Vaccination in Your System!

WCHQ invites member systems to improve HPV vaccine communication and increase vaccination rates in adolescent patients. Three systems participated in the project in 2023. Several other systems are signing up now! Don’t miss your chance to join for 2024.

January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. In 2023, approximately 13,960 people were diagnosed with cervical cancer and 4,310 people died from the disease (source: National Cancer Institute.)

Increasing the rates of cancer-preventing vaccines is a goal of the 2020-2030 Wisconsin Cancer Plan. HPV vaccine is an important cancer prevention tool because it can prevent six different cancers, including cervical cancer. The vaccine is recommended for 11–12-year-olds and can start as young as age 9. Yet, among 11–12-year-olds in Wisconsin the rate of HPV vaccine initiation has decreased slightly in each of the last four years, from 41.5% in 2019 to 39.6% in 2022.

Source: Wisconsin Cancer Collaborative; September 26, 2023

Participating primary care clinics will receive a 1-hour CME/CNE evidence-based communication workshop called The Announcement Approach Training. Benefits of the training include:

  • The training has been shown to increase HPV vaccination by five percentage points.
  • In a randomized controlled trial, participating providers reported that the time it took them to recommend the HPV vaccine was reduced by about 20% after the training.
  • Providers also reported greater confidence in addressing parents’ concerns when discussing HPV vaccine, that the communication strategy taught in the training was easy to use, and that the strategy helped them promote HPV vaccination as a part of routine adolescent care.

The Announcement Approach Training workshop is for all clinical staff who have a role in adolescent vaccination. Workshops will be held in the spring and early summer 2024. WCHQ data will be used to track improvements.

To learn how your health system and clinics can get involved, contact Jen Koberstein at Jkoberstein@wchq.org or the UW-UNC project team at prokids@pediatrics.wisc.edu or 608-263-1202.

The project is led by Elizabeth Cox, MD, PhD, a pediatrician and health services researcher and Meghan Brennan MD, MS, an infectious disease physician and health services researcher, from the University of Wisconsin, and Melissa Gilkey, PhD, a behavioral scientist specializing in adolescent health at the University of North Carolina. The project is funded by the National Cancer Institute.

Recovery Stories

Navigating health disparities, racism, and stigma to get mental health access

WCHQ has partnered with the Medical College of Wisconsin to increase access to behavioral health services for patients with Medicaid. Together, the partners have produced portraits of people living with mental illness to provide brief glimpses into the experience of navigating the US health system as Medicaid recipients. Patients share their stories of seeking care, engagement with clinicians, therapeutic treatment, peer support, and recovery. The 3-minute personal vignettes point to the impact of social-cultural and institutional determinants of health and the resilience it takes to access care and get better. The portraits are being used in healthcare systems, allied health and medical education training to better understand the patient’s perspective in accessing and receiving care.

Peggy – “Words Matter”
Are we perpetuating or challenging stigma?

Peggy talks about how the language around mental health has changed over the decades. She critically challenges whether the well-intentioned attempts at destigmatizing mental illness through patient centered terms are really beneficial. Peggy deconstructs “recovery” and “mental health consumer” in thought-provoking ways.

Possible topics for discussion: stigma, language, and generational differences

Thank to Our WCHQ Partners for Their Support of Our Work


Novo Nordisk







AboutHealth • The Alliance • Alliance of Health Insurers (AHI)

Bayer • Business Health Care Group • Epic • Exact Sciences

GSK • Health Payment Systems • MetaStar • Moderna

Otsuka • Pfizer • Rogers Behavioral Health

Sanofi • WellStack • Wipfli • Wisconsin Hospital Association